
Below are some suggested resources that offer support and information. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but each of these offers varied additional sources of support.



B4U-ACT helps mental health professionals and researchers learn more about attraction to minors and to consier the effects of stereotyping stigma and fear. They also work towards helping minor attracted people finding mental health professionals they can trust. They believe the best way to protect children and youth in the long term (including those developing an attraction to younger children) is to promote the mental health of MAPs.

Home - B4U-ACT


Offers support and information to individuals who identify as a paedophile or are concerned that they might be. They also provide information for friends, family members, or mental health professionals of those supporting paedophiles. 


ASAP International

The Association for Sexual Abuse Prevention (ASAP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the primary prevention of child sexual abuse. ASAP brings together mental health professionals and individuals who are sexually attracted to children. The organisation provides public health education, while members provide support for non-offending minor attracted persons (MAPs) who want to avoid acting on their attraction to children.

ASAP - Association for Sexual Abuse Prevention - Therapy Referrals for Non-Offending Pedophiles/MAPs

The Global Prevention Project

MAP Interventions — The Global Prevention Project

Stop It Now

Stop It Now are a child protection charity, working to prevent child sexual abuse. They campaign and raise awareness across the UK to help adults to do their part to stop child sexual abuse by addressing personal, family and community concerns. They offer a confidential helpline, live chat and secure messaging service for anyone with concerns about child sexual abuse and its prevention – including those worried about their own thoughts, feelings and behaviour, or about another adult or young person.

Stop It Now | Preventing child sexual abuse

The World According to The Knock

This is a community of family members & friends affected by “The Knock” and loved one offending. “A Safe and Special Place for those that need it”.

The World According to the Knock | the knock

Talking Forward

Talking Forward funds peer support for anyone whose adult family member has been investigated for an online sexual offence. We offer an initial call from one of our facilitators before signposting to the zoom or face to face peer groups we run.

Talking Forward. Peer support after the knock. Leeds and wide.


The Client No One Wants to Treat - Psychotherapy Networker


The Prevention Podcast

PODCAST | MAPs Journey Podcast